蘇婧婷回頭一看車開走了,立馬溜出店外,往猶太救助會所屬的街區走去,卻不知司機記著姜先生的囑咐,遠遠地小心翼翼跟著。拐進巷弄后,看見這里都住著從歐洲逃難過來的猶太難民,有的也是剛剛到這里,還在專門的登記處登記,準備被安排入住的房間。這里仿佛是歐洲人們生活的縮影:這里可以聞到沿街的咖啡館里現磨咖啡的濃香,空氣里還有隔壁間面包店里的烘焙香味兒,餐館和理發店也一應俱全,路邊還能看見一些人穿著自己在法國歌劇院見過戲劇演員穿的衣服,走過她的身邊,一個演員沖她說著:“our god leads us to this refugee land, this oriental noah's ark!”蘇婧婷知道西方神話里諾亞方舟救贖生命的意義,知道這是他們從心底里感謝中國的意思,不自覺生出一種對于自己祖國的自豪感,但這種感覺那樣飄忽,一會兒就被眼前看到的一切新奇事物占據了。
此刻她有一種仍身處歐洲的錯覺路的一旁還有一些房間里擺著一些畫作,蘇婧婷好奇走了進去,看見里面多是仿作,有拉斐爾《美麗的女園丁》、倫勃朗的《夜巡》、達.芬奇的《喬孔達》和一些近代不太出名的畫作,其中有一副名稱為《屠夫》,整個畫面感覺血淋淋的,驚悚不堪,感到困惑為什么會展示這么一副畫時,看見身旁一個七八歲的猶太男孩兒對著一幅畫出神,她好奇地走過去問小男孩兒:“you like painting?”“yes, i dream to be a painter”小男孩倒是毫不怕生地回答?!癷f you want, you will be. what's your name?”“peter.”蘇婧婷正準備詢問小男孩關于保羅的住處時,忽聽身旁有人叫:“hey, beautiful lady, could you please smile to me?”蘇婧婷回過頭來,一個閃光燈照得自己眼睛一陣刺痛,嚇了一跳,從光源里恢復視力聽見一陣笑,仔細一瞧就是那個自己曾幫助過的保羅。
“oh, mr stern——”
“please call me paul, so glad to see you again!“
“i received your letter, and was touched by your politeness. so sorry that i cannot see you that time.“
“why, your family doesn't like foreigners?
“no, not at all, we just barely have chanmunicate and my father leads quite tran--quil life. let's forget it. you please call me tingting.“
“ting means beautiful lady in chinese, isn't it?“
“oh, thanks——that's camera?“
“yes, you like to try?“
“could i?“
“no problem, here, open this part, and click this button, yes that's it!“
“could you please give me that photo you take of me as present to help you?“蘇婧婷調皮地說,“why you came to see me just for thanking me?“蘇婧婷很好奇為什么那天保羅那么急得見自己,隱約感覺是不是需要幫助。
“look here, it really shocked me at my first sight, i thought i came back vienna.“
“it's not good?“
“no, it is great, but i want to know better of china, your country, not just daydreaming of staying at europe, life needs go on, and now we e to a totally new country with different culture. so i propose to learn chinese language and culture, and many fellows thumbs up. since that time we met, i thought you will be a good chinese teacher for us. would you like to be our teacher, we will pay for you.“
“tingting, i really wish one day i could talk with you in chinese, thus your friends all understand what i will say, there will be no misunderstandings like last time. for us it is also convinient to live here.“看見蘇婧婷一臉的猶豫,保羅沒再懇求下去,他心懷感激地希望蘇婧婷去安置他的住所看看,還說在剛來的幾天里也有不少像蘇小姐這樣的好心上海老百姓幫過自己,話說著他們已經來到一個窄窄的木質樓梯前,上了一層樓梯后,就到了保羅住的小屋。