『 i'ma be honest, holy crap!it's seems someone don't need to faking a black anymore. okay,from now on i'ma…i am going to be a new yorker. yep,i'm tsing yim as linghu chong in ' the legend of the swordsman ', but also was the rap star issac yen.
and it's all started with an encounter in times square six years ago,but you'll soon hear that 'love story' from her,so let's just skip it for a moment all-right? huh,who is she? that's a good question,you guys can't see her in this video? come on~』
糟糕,優雅不見了,前一秒還蛾眉曼睩的章雅夢被晏清“雖遲但到”的騷操作氣得粉拳緊握、吐槽連連,于她而言這些侃侃而談是綿延不絕的背刺,但對其他人來說“i am going to be honest…”之后的真心話可要比之前的歌詞通俗易懂了太多,即使沒得翻譯介入大家亦能通過交流、碰撞出點“真知灼見”什么的,所以原本一姝當關,萬夫莫開的安定局勢再次蠢蠢欲動起來。