A gentleman's journey is quiet in order to cultivate his body and frugal in order to nourish virtue. There is no clear will in the absence of peace, and there is no way to be far away from tranquillity. Husband study must also be quiet, it is necessary to learn, not learning can not be broad-minded, do not have the will to learn. Lust is not motivational, but impetuous is not curable. Year and time, will and the day go, then withered, more not to meet the world, sad to defend the poor, will be back and!
This book of commandments states not only the ways and methods of self-cultivation, but also the relationship between determination and learning, not only the importance of serenity and indifference, but also the harm of indulgence and impatience. Zhuge Liang not only strictly requires his son in terms of big principles, but also shows subtle concern for his children in some concrete matters. In this book of commandments, there is the power of serenity:“to cultivate the body by silence“,“to be far away from silence“, to have the power of frugality:“thrift to nourish virtue“, to have the power of transcendence:“there is no clear will without being alone.“ Have the strength that likes to learn:“husband study must also be quiet, must learn also“; There are inspirational forces:“there is no way to learn widely, but no will to learn“; the power of speed:“l(fā)ust can not inspire excellence“; the strength of character:“impetuous can not be cured“; the strength of the time of pity:“year and time, meaning and age to go“; There is the power of imagination:“then withered, many do not accept the world, sad to defend the poor, will be restored to what and“; has the power of simplicity. The message of this article, which is a few short words, is much better than a long speech.
There is time to listen to lessons, play less games, the original holiday time is short, do not waste time on the teacher's novel. I am also an ordinary person, have their own joys and sorrows, I hope my network writer's identity and my teacher's identity is separate, so in the school time never let me hear you talk about my novel, Never hear you talking about the plot in the novel, not to mention to me for any character. Network novel is not suitable for junior high school students, so I hope you please click the close button!